
Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month

The month of May is Mental Health Awareness month. This month not only allows us to educate and raise awareness surrounding mental health and treatment options, but it focuses on reducing the stigma associated with mental illness. There are so many misconceptions and stigmas surrounding mental health issues and that is a major reason why many who suffer from mental health issues suffer in silence.

This is Me (a coming out story) by Christie Kelly

This is Me (a coming out story) by Christie Kelly

Spilove Psychotherapy is working to do a better job about lifting marginalized voices including black and queer voices. One way we are working to do this is by highlighting and featuring these marginalized voices in our newsletter, blog and other social media platforms. We asked our friend, Christie if she would be willing to share her coming out with us for pride month and to use our platform to post about her small music business.

You're So Queer by Megan Speir

You're So Queer by Megan Speir

When presented with all the colors fo the LGBT Rainbow during pride month, some folx question themselves “Am I queer enough to … (insert action here).” Here’s what our Director of Sexuality, Megan Speir, has to say about that…