3 Tools to Reclaim Your Body Image In The Spring

3 Tools to Reclaim Your Body Image In The Spring

It’s such a colorful time of year in Philadelphia when the weather begins to warm. More people frolicking out and about on the historic, cobblestone streets. But you wonder why you aren’t experiencing the same sense of excitement and joy as it seems your fellow Philadelphians. All you can find yourself thinking about as you travel the Center City streets is how uncomfortable you feel in your body. You find yourself worried that others are judging the way your body looks in your newly purchased spring attire. You want so badly to feel happy in the changing of the seasons, but you can’t. You dread the warmer weather and the body shame it brings.  

Breaking Up With Food Rules

Breaking Up With Food Rules

It never feels good enough when it comes to food decisions and our minds are always racing. We want to feel like we are making the right decision but we always end up back in the same cycle of punishing our bodies, feeling shameful and moody, and ultimately are left feeling negative about ourselves. It doesn’t have to be this way. We don’t have to live in society's food ‘rules, ’ feel guilty, shameful, or confused about food any longer. There is another way! 

Loving Your Body, Even When It’s Hard

Loving Your Body, Even When It’s Hard

It’s hard to love your body when you have so much dislike, even hatred for it. Our thoughts, feelings, and emotions about our body image heavily influences our personal experiences and plays such a big role in how we experience life. Oftentimes, (from my own personal experience too), our negative body image holds us back from truly experiencing present moments because we are too preoccupied with our appearance. 

"I'm Not Sick Enough To Have An Eating Disorder"

"I'm Not Sick Enough To Have An Eating Disorder"

Despite what society, the world, your family, or even you, yourself, has been told about eating disorders there are unfortunately so many misconceptions. You can be intensely restricting and obsessively over exercising and still think you are too big to have an eating disorder. You could also be restricting or binging and still show up in a body that is considered ‘normal’ or ‘overweight.’ You can be purging daily and your labs could still come up normal. 

Time to Reset Our Relationship with Food

Time to Reset Our Relationship with Food

Diet culture has implanted nutrition “education” into our minds that leads us to confusion. But it’s not really nutrition, it’s dieting.  It’s meant to make us confused and overwhelmed, so we’ll sign up for the next ‘best’ approach.  Enter Whole 30, Keto, Intermittent fasting, WW, Noom.  It makes sense that we’re drawn to these programs and approaches they appear to simplify the jungle. But really, they just add to it.  It’s time for a change.  Food doesn’t have to be this confusing. You don’t have to have these reels in your head about what you should or shouldn’t be eating.  

Considering Eating Disorder Treatment? Here Are Some Things To Be Mindful Of

Considering Eating Disorder Treatment? Here Are Some Things To Be Mindful Of

You feel captive in your own body and don’t know how to become free, but you are beginning noticing that parts of you are ready to change. You are becoming more open to the idea of eating disorder recovery because a part of you is exhausted from all the work you have been doing. However, you are struggling to know what direction you should move in or what ED recovery could look like. 

Honoring National Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2023

Honoring National Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2023

NEDAW begins on Monday, February 27th and ends on Sunday, March 5th and is focusing on two key components–the lived experiences of individuals with eating disorders and providing education to others about eating disorders. Both of these components align with the theme of this year's NEDAW, which is It’s Time for Change.