While families have traditionally been seen as sources of support and nurturance, they can also pass down deep-rooted wounds from generation to generation. Known as intergenerational trauma, this phenomenon casts a long shadow over family dynamics and shapes how individuals perceive and engage with the world.
Gay Men, I See You
5 Tools On How to Support Your Mental Health with Nutrition
It's no surprise that supporting yourself nutritionally can help with your mental health. But when you do a quick google for nutrition support and mental health, a lot can pop up, which can make you feel confused and overwhelmed. Plus, when you’re in the throes of a difficult mental health flare and your capacity is limited, the idea of implementing any kind of thoughtful nutrition support plan feels impossible! So, what do you do? How can you support yourself nutritionally?
Life Coach vs Therapist–What’s The Difference?
When it comes to personal growth and development, there are many modalities to choose from. One approach that has gained popularity in recent years is working with a nervous system coach to reset your nervous system after trauma. But what exactly does nervous system regulation do, and how does it differ from traditional psychotherapy in Philadelphia?
What To Expect From A Life Coach
You’ve talked about your feelings, got to understand your emotions, learned about the deepest parts of yourself and faced difficult traumas . You truly understand yourself, but you still feel stuck in your stress, irritability and anxiety. Sometimes, it even feels like they get in the way of your ability to be successful. Maybe you don’t feel as fulfilled as you did with your career. You want to make a change, but feel overwhelmed by the possibility of choosing a different career path, so you force yourself to stay.
Does this sound like you? If so, working with a life coach may be for you!
Anxiety in Teens—Here's How To Help Teenagers with Anxiety!
Now, while anxiety and stress are a normal part of growing up and a normal reaction to the stress that teens can experience, the feelings of anxiety for many teens can go well beyond the typical symptoms. When teen’s become overwhelmed and anxious it can begin to negatively affect their friendships, family relationships, participation in school, extracurricular activities, their school work and ultimately interfere with normal daily living. So, what can you actually do for your anxious teen? How can you help a teenager with anxiety in 2023?