Studies show that mindful activities scattered throughout one’s day can have an even deeper impact on healing and self-growth than a regular sitting meditation practice. This is because, once a mindful approach is embedded into our regular activities, it is more likely to become our go-to approach to life. We can take meditation off the cushion, so to speak, and into our daily lives. We can start to incorporate mindfulness into our days by learning ways to reach stillness other than traditional meditation. Here are some other ways to achieve a mindful state in your day to day life…
What Is Trauma? How Can I Cope With My Own Trauma?
Trauma itself is highly personal. What one person views as trauma, another might not (and vice versa) or you might have had a similar experience as someone else, but each of you were affected differently. What we know for certain is that while trauma affects all of us differently, experiencing something that is stressful, frightening, or distressing leaves us all with a deep long-lasting wound. So, what can you do to cope with trauma? You might be wondering.
How To Find A Trauma Therapist
Whether you’re coping with a past trauma, trying to navigate your life after a traumatic experience, or living with the ripple effects of trauma symptoms, choosing to begin the journey of working with a trauma therapist in Philadelphia can not only make a BIG difference in your mental health but in your overall quality of life.
Try the Butterfly Hug Method for Anxiety and Panic Attacks
How To Find An LGBTQ Friendly Therapist
When it comes to therapy, no therapist is one size fits all and this is especially true for individuals part of the LGBTQ community. Finding an LGBTQ affirming-therapist in Philadelphia that not only accepts your gender identity or expression, but truly understands the unique set of struggles and challenges you face is hard. So, you might be wondering, Okay, how do I find an LGBTQ friendly therapist? Are there queer therapists in Philadelphia that I can trust? Luckily, for you, we are going to talk about tips and tricks of what you should be looking for when searching for an LGBTQ therapist near you and how an LGBTQ friendly therapist can help you!
Here Are The Best Anxiety Reducing Techniques You Can Use Anywhere!
Anxiety–whether social, general, specific, or panic–is extremely frustrating and difficult to manage. Anxiety not only can get in the way of the present moment but can even interfere with one’s daily life. While it is important to know that anxiety is VERY normal for each and every one of us to experience (and even helps us!), we all know that anxiety can easily get out of control.
Are You Looking for Affordable Therapy in Philadelphia? Learn More Here
You know it’s time to see a therapist for your anxiety, depression, trauma, and/or eating disorder but private pay fees are hard to swing. You’ve reached out to a couple practices and they mentioned the idea of working with a graduate level counseling intern because they can provide low cost therapy in and around Philadelphia, PA. You aren’t sure about it, so you’ve been holding off.