internal family systems

Healing Childhood Trauma: The Transformative Power of Inner Child Work

Healing Childhood Trauma: The Transformative Power of Inner Child Work

Childhood trauma often leaves a lasting ripple effect that can impact us well into adulthood. Healing from inner child wounds is a profound journey, yet one that can bring about transformative changes. In our latest blog, we delve into the power of embracing inner child work and how reconnecting with your inner child can lead to some of the most impactful healing experiences we may need. By exploring the depths of our past experiences and honoring the emotions and needs of our inner child, we open doors to healing that can profoundly shape our present and future. Click below to read more and embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment

Managing Post ThankSgiving Day (PTSD) Emotions

Managing Post ThankSgiving Day (PTSD) Emotions

By the end of Thanksgiving Day, you don’t feel like the confident adult you know you are, feel anxious, overwhelmed, annoyed and drained. You feel your old wounds reopened and you want to retreat inside of yourself because the comments you feel like you already dealt with, still hurt you. You are still bothered by the family drama that you find yourself dragged into, even though you thought you set that boundary. You're angry and even upset because you thought that this year would finally be different.

How to Work with the Inner Critic by Julia Salerno, Villanova Counseling Intern

How to Work with the Inner Critic by Julia Salerno, Villanova Counseling Intern

What is the critical inner voice? How do we form this inner voice that often controls our life? How do we combat this inner critic that lives within us? Well, luckily I have got some answers for you, and you're in the right place.