
Managing Holiday Anxiety

Managing Holiday Anxiety

What if ‘the most wonderful time of year’ brings nothing but holiday anxiety? What if you feel overwhelmed and stressed during this season, rather than joyous like society tells us? And what if you don’t feel or want to be that cheerful this year? Well, I am here to tell you that this is completely natural.

Addiction Recovery Series 1: Types of Addiction Treatment

Addiction Recovery Series 1: Types of Addiction Treatment

Finding an effective path for you requires one to take space to understand the options that are available to you. Learning about the different types of addiction treatment is the first step in understanding what is going to work best for you!

Why Your Nutritionist Should Honor Your Cultural Heritage

Why Your Nutritionist Should Honor Your Cultural Heritage

Every culture has their own food likes and dislikes that have been heavily influenced by their ancestry. However, when we begin to restrict ourselves from our cultural foods because of diet culture and society's expectations, it can make us feel separated from a core piece of ourselves. And again, we often easily convince ourselves that we should restrict ourselves from that food because it is a smart nutritional decision.

What Is Multicultural Counseling?

What Is Multicultural Counseling?

Multicultural counseling is a term used to describe a type of counseling practice that acknowledges how a client’s cultural identity may have played a role in their mental health. When a therapist works from a multicultural approach, it means that a therapist will not only work to understand the difficulties you are experiencing from your perspective but work to acknowledge how various parts of your cultural identity have also played a role in your mental health.

National Stress Awareness Day

National Stress Awareness Day

Stress follows you everywhere! And as much as you want to avoid it, you cannot. Which is why it is important to take space to understand your own stress. Even though at times, it can feel extremely overwhelming, taking space to be curious about your own stress will not only help you but improve your everyday life.

Honoring Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Honoring Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence is an epidemic that spreads violence throughout communities and family units across the nation. Any individual can be subject to an abusive relationship, regardless of nationality, race, gender, sexuality, socio-economic status, age, or religion. The violence that an individual experiences within a relationship typically coexists with controlling behaviors and emotionally abusive patterns which exposes a pattern of dominance and control.

Celebrating World Mental Health Day

Celebrating World Mental Health Day

While we may be more equipped to manage our mental health at different times in our life, mental health problems can become overwhelming and all-encompassing. Individuals who struggle with mental health often feel alone or like a burden to individuals in their life. Which is why many will keep their mental health in the shadows. However, mental health is something that is becoming more normalized to discuss. Which is a big part in how and why we have and should celebrate World Mental Health Day!