Online Sessions for Depth Psychology and Movement Therapy

Eating Disorders * Body Image * First Generation * Grief * Life Transitions: Birth, Death, Metaphorical & Physical * Autoimmune Issues * Chronic Illness

Natalie Makardish, B.A., M.A. (she/her)Movement and Depth Clinican

Natalie Makardish, B.A., M.A. (she/her)

Movement and Depth Clinican

Are you tired of all the chit chat and want to find a way to go deeper into your healing journey? Do you have trouble connecting with your body or are you painfully aware of your body and the space you take up in this world? Does it feel like talking just doesn’t always cut it for you? Are you stuck in your current therapy process and need some help getting deeper into your process?

Recovery Oriented Movement

Have you been in eating disorder recovery for some time now, and it feels like its time to reintegrate healthy movement into your life? You're nervous that moving into this blindly may increase overexercising urges, and joining a gym or fitness class feels like it may just sink you deeper into body shame and diet culture ideals. You know that intuitive movement has the potential to spark joy, but it feels like walking on thin ice. If you don't learn how to create an intentional and healthy relationship with exercise and your body, you're worried you will continue to feel sluggish and tense. You hear that full recovery is possible, but it feels hard to believe when you have yet learned how to inhabit and move in your body safely and with love.

Check out movement therapy and depth psychology online with Natalie!

We are so excited that we no longer need to allow geographic distance to prevent us from offering her services!

Natalie was trained and resides in California, but has now joined us, virtually, to support our clients through their healing processes using movement and depth psychology. Whether you’re struggling with an eating disorder, anxiety, depression or other difficulties, contact Natalie today for a free 15 minute phone consultation. If you’re interested in movement therapy or mental health coaching through a Depth Psychology approach, contact us here:


Natalie Makardish, B.A., M.A.

Natalie Makardish, B.A., M.A.

Founder of Empowered Artist Training (E.A.T.) and Fit Flow Fusion, Natalie Makardish has developed unique curricula and multifaceted kinetic approaches toward empowering her clientele through various healing modalities. Her interdisciplinary background in psychology, fitness, classical dance and theater invites an invigorating perspective toward educating and healing within the fitness, dance and eating disorder recovery communities.

Natalie studied Dance, Theater and Psychology at the University of California, Irvine and went on to graduate school where she studied Depth Psychology at Sonoma State University. Her training in Jungian Analysis, Dance Movement Therapy and Sports Psychology compliments her movement repertoire as a movement specialist and mental health consultant. She has instructed and designed mindful-movement curricula for dance academies and fitness studios; facilitated therapeutic groups within intensive eating disorder and substance abuse treatment programs; and sits on two non-profit boards that provide awareness, education and resources for individuals and families who are on their path to healing and recovery from an eating disorder. Natalie subscribes to loving ourselves in our darkest spaces; embracing and shifting the strengths of our shadows and empowering our true Self through metaphor and symbolism.

Body Positive Movement to Support Your Recovery and Healing

Natalie’s ‘heartwork’ encourages oneself to explore the relationship of unconscious intentions and adverse behavioral patterns for a more conscious, balanced and nourished life. Most importantly, her sessions are about having fun, accessing internal joy and enjoying the given experience within and outside our body. Loving, caring and celebrating our body through joyful and mindful movement, allows space for self-resilience, pleasure and peace outside of our movement practice. When we move mindfully, we get our emotions in motion. When we move mindfully, we hone our intuitive awareness and strengthen our overall self-efficacy. When we move mindfully, we develop a moving meditation that synchronizes our mind and body toward individuation. When we move mindfully, we amplify our authentic self, thus we are available to feed the starving artist from within.

Services offered:

  • Depth Psychology Coaching

  • Movement Therapy

  • Body Positive Personal Training

  • Body Positive Fitness Classes

Contact us now to learn more about Natalie’s online coaching and virtual movement therapy: